
Remember the social media landscape of yesteryear? Text-only posts dominated news feeds, with the occasional static image sprinkled in for good measure. But as human expression becomes increasingly rich and nuanced, these limitations feel like shackles on our creativity.

We're not just aiming to be a new social platform; we're seeing our platform as a creativity catalyst, powered by cutting-edge AI that empowers you to express yourself in ways never before possible.

A few examples;

  • Create more than text: Transform your written words into captivating videos with our text-to-video AI. Inject personality, emotion, and visual flair into your stories, essays, or even grocery lists.

  • Stills come alive: Breathe life into your photos with our image-to-video AI. Turn your vacation into mini-movies, or your food pics to cooking tutorials. It’s all up to your creativity.

  • Hums become hits: Hum-to-music AI. creates a full-fledged song with just you humming to your phone. So that you can create music without musical expertise.

  • Not all posts are created equal: Do we really need endless chains of GM's to be on-chain? How about we let the user decide if it's worth to be on-chain. The same goes for NFT's too. They can -and are - more than just JPEG's. NFT's that you mint on Moseiki are the true key of cherishing your beloved memories. You can also generate revenue out of it - as it's your content that brings value to our platform.

  • 22-22-22: Posts that aren't turned into NFT's disappear within 22 days, 22 minutes and 22 seconds. Better get your reminders in order.

These are just a glimpse of the creative possibilities Moseiki unlocks.

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