Problems & AHWAST

Let’s look at the problems and how we are solving them under a few headlines.

Why do you need a decentralized social graph?

To understand this better, let’s look at the current situation.

Today’s social media platforms are giant companies holding our data and owning it to use however they want. Their controlling of everything creates serious problems. They can choose which opinions; ideas can go mainstream or not. This leads to manipulation, political issues and even governments using it for censorship. Creating problems like shadow bans.

Another problem is the unfair monetization models of Web 2.0 platforms. Content creators work hard, providing content to platforms but they are getting back just a fraction of their effort.

Let’s talk about data. Current social media platforms keep your data trapped very hard to move and even be sure about their security. Which creates big problems like data leaks or making simple tasks like switching apps harder.

Innovation is another problem. Not being able to move data to feed algorithms prevents new inventors from creating the next big social media. The situation creates a monopoly in social media making it almost impossible to build new ones.

So, why do we need a decentralized social graph? Because it's time for a change, liberates us all from monopoly of giant social media platforms and the problems they create regarding culture, data, politics, censorship and much more.

How do we differentiate ourselves from the existing social networks?

Moseiki steps into the arena of social media chaos, looking for the answers to problems of existing networks. Picture this: in the world of Web2, each network operates isolated, creating its own centralized data kingdom without any portability! Your profile, friends and posts are stranded, owned and dictated by the big networks. This creates a situation in which every network battles for your undivided attention.

On the other hand, Moseiki, is a user-owned, wide-open canvas that any app can integrate into. Which means, users are the true owner of their data and they can move it to any app on Moseiki's framework. So that you can keep your content, fanbase and much more. Each developer in Moseiki helps grow the entire ecosystem, shifting the game from a competition to a collaboration. We are inviting the developers to join Moseiki so that we can craft awe-inspiring social adventures together.

Where do we stand on AI?

Moseiki sees AI like a partner that amplifies its capabilities. Moseiki isn't just stepping into the future, exploring AI at the forefront.

Moseiki utilizes AI's prowess to enhance user experiences, provide a set of features to its users and ensure smoother navigation through the social media. Think of AI as Moseiki's backstage assistant, helping it adapt to users' preferences and behaviors, creating a personalized experience for each individual.

With AI in its corner, Moseiki aims to refine content curation, boost engagement, and foster meaningful interactions. This dynamic duo keeps on learning and evolving, ensuring Moseiki stays ahead in the social media game by embracing AI's potential to its fullest.

In essence, Moseiki doesn't just stand on AI working together, leveraging AI's power to deliver a next-level, user-centric social media experience.

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