Moseiki Wallet

Moseiki Wallet is one of the core components of the Moseiki App, enabling users to manage their activity in the application.

Tap the Wallet in your profile view to access your wallet. Moseiki Wallet shows the functions below to the users.

  • Account Balance: Displays the current balance in your wallet. Change the currency by the Currency Dropdown on the top right corner of the page.

  • Send: Enables you to send funds to others.

  • Collectibles: Shows the latest digital collections added to your wallet.

  • Transaction History: Provides a record of all your past transactions.

How to create a Moseiki Wallet?

Your Moseiki Wallet is automatically created during the sign-up process. Each account is limited to one wallet; additional wallets are currently not supported by Moseiki.

How to buy Vibecash?

Tap the Buy Button to buy Vibecash Tokens.

3. Select the amount you wish to buy from predefined values.

5. Tap Pay.

6. Complete process via Apple Inapp Purchases.

How to send Vibecash to your friends?

Tap the Send Button to transfer Moseiki Tokens or other cryptocurrencies.

2. Enter the recipient’s Moseiki Handle in the “To” field.

3. Enter the amount you wish to send, or select from predefined values.

5. Tap Continue to review the transaction details.

6. Confirm the details and complete the transaction.

How to see your past transactions?

Tap the Hamburger Menu on the top right corner and select Transactions.

This page includes information about the date, time, and amount for each transaction, along with the transaction type (received, bought, etc.). You can also search for specific transactions using the search bar at the top.

How to see your collections?

Tap the Hamburger Menu on the top right corner and select Collections.

This page displays all the NFT collections you own. Here, you can find details like name, price, and the date added.

To send a collectible, tap the Send Button at the top right corner of each thumbnail.

Last updated